The Lobster Quadrille and “Alice…”

Kot z Cheshire

I composed the music and songs for the recent production of Lewis Carrol’s “Alice in Wonderland”, directed by Magda Miklasz. It premieres on March 4th at Syrena theatre in Warsaw.
“The Lobster Quadrille” (Mock Turtle’s song) is not entirely representative of the music I wrote for the play, because the whole thing branched out into various aesthetic territories. But it’s reminiscent of the electronic dance music that was attempted in the Polish fantasy productions of my childhood (hello “Pan Kleks w kosmosie”), and I think it’s a really fun little number:

I will be appearing as the Cheshire Cat in the show (albeit as a projection). How’s that for a bucket list item!

“In Magdalena Miklasz’s mis en scene, Alice is a little girl dreaming of her favourite heroine’s adventures. Alice’s journey is a search for oneself, an attempt to recognise one’s desires and to confront the world around us, while dreaming. ‘Alice in Wonderland’ at Syrena theatre is a show made of striking images, dabbling in many theatrical and musical genres, based on a surreal sense of humour, inspired by Tim Burton’s films and one of the most famous picture books of the 20th century – Maurice Sendak’s ‘Where the Wild Things Are’”.


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