Seaside rendez-vous (…so adorable)

Mad Trojmiasto Weekend number one is over. We came, we saw, we played
at Top Trendy festival, we uploaded the video, and POLSAT took it down.
Whatever. Soon comes Mad Trojmiasto Weekend number two: in the shape
and form of the international music festival Heineken Open’er.  We’ll
see you on Friday at 9pm at the Tent Stage. We’ll be playing in a more
numerous set up: with backing vocals (Mela Koteluk and Ola Chludek),
bass-clarinet (Waclaw Zimpel), various percussive instruments (Emi
Barabasz) and maybe even a surprise guest!

The Ucho gig went
very well, this Sunday, thank you for showing up in such numbers!
Piotrek went a little crazy this time around, do excuse him – it must
be the sea air, or something. Anyway, no more mic for this lad, thank
you very much. There are some really nice pictures from the cocnert,

foto: Joanna “Frota” Kurkowska

oraz (ale fajna strona ten SKM. :-))

The second single – “Kara Niny” is now on the radio!

We held our first ever Twitter
competition and a couple of copies of “Out” went out to people, based
on a completely fair, analogue, wholesome manner of drawing bits of
paper out of a hat. So keep your eye on Twitter, there will be more